...yeah. here's a work process type thing. i actually like taking photos of my WIPs now. probably because of all the stuff i have to do for art at school and stuff. and speaking of art, i did this instead of finishing my actual major art assessment piece. oops.

1. this is the draft kinda idea thing. yes, it's really messy. yes, torchic is running into the edge of the page.

2. this is my attempt at a clean line-art. basically i redraw the whole thing as neat and clean as possible on a fresh piece of watercolour paper. this time, i drew in pencil then went over it in brown colour pencil. this part took me a gajillion years, 'cause i usually draw really, really messy. so it always takes me the longest to do clean line-art for colouring.

3. same as above. the pokemon took ages to draw because i had to look up references for them all. i think roselia turned out the best.

4. crappy block colouring the background.

4. did a base colour for the skin. did full on detail work for May's dress and started Drew's clothes. then went back and darkened their skin tones and added shadows. looks pretty crappy , doesn't it?

5. had so much trouble with torchic's orange colour. i couldn't quite get the colour i wanted. dude, i screwed up and made so many mistakes around here. no, i'm not pointing them out. at this point i wished i had used thicker watercolour paper.

6. whoops, quite a big jump between this one and the last one. but yeah, finished colouring everything, went back over everything. darkened dark bits, did finer detail shading and work. tried to make the background look half-decent. went over lineart again with brown pencil.
yep. gonna go post the final picture on deviantart and pixiv now. peace out.